NEW at BuzziSpace: BuzziHug and BuzziShield

BuzziHug: a warm embrace

BuzziHug balances between a semi-enclosed privacy cabin and an individual standing workstation. It is the ideal place for those looking for some extra concentration.

And there is more: thanks to its voluminous upholstered body BuzziHug effectively dampens excessive noise.

Would you like more information about acoustic problems and the solutions BuzziSpace can offer?  At Collective we will be pleased to familiarize you with it.

BuzziShield Hook: a cosy roomdivider

The BuzziShield Hook allows you to create a private and cosy corner quickly and efficiently.

In a beautiful way too: the wide range of fabrics available makes it a real eye-catcher in any office.

And don't just say "roomdivider" to the BuzziShield Hook.  In this design too, a lot of attention was paid to the acoustic properties.  Whereas plexiglass partitions only reflect sound back into the room, this BuzziSpace roomdivider ensures that disturbing sound waves are muffled.

BuzziShield Desk: private workplaces

In need of some visual privacy?  You can achieve this with the BuzziShield Desk.

The many different fabrics you can choose from make it a playful design element, which also absorbs the noise.
Because, as always with BuzziSpace, the product developers did not only want the product to look good, but it also had to have excellent acoustic properties.

BuzziShield Free: not an ordinary room divider

BuzziShield Free is more than an ordinary dividing wall.   No chilly atmosphere like its Plexiglas rivals.

Thanks to its voluminous upholstered body, the BuzziShield Free effectively absorbs sound and at the same time adds a decorative element to any work space.


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